Dave Eargle is a Senior Consultant in Cybersecurity Assessment at Carve Systems.
Previously, Dave was a business school professor – he has a PhD in Information Systems Management from the University of Pittsburgh. In his academic research life, he studied usable cybersecurity and the dark side of information technology usage. He has coauthored several articles in these areas using neurophysiological and other methodologies in outlets such as Management Information Systems Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, along with the Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). Peruse https://daveeargle.com/vita/.
He did “full stack” academic development – besides writing manuscripts, he developed online experiment platforms and tools, administered tasks through cloud computing platforms, and did data wrangling, statistical analysis, and visualizations. He would often contribute back to open-source projects. Check out some of his projects at https://daveeargle.com/projects.
Dave also created and taught cybersecurity and business analytics courses, and he developed a cybersecurity data analytics program in collaboration with CU’s school of engineering. Take a gander at https://daveeargle.com/classes.
He likes woodworking, dabbling in electrical engineering, and gardening, preferably all at once.
Feel free to e-mail him at [email protected] or you can find him on these social networks: