Assignment guidelines

Assignment guidelines

Create your submission in your favorite word processor and convert it to pdf before submission.

Data Models

  1. Create a png file and paste into your document
  2. In MySQL Workbench: File > Export > Export as PNG…


  1. Execute (All Or Selection) to Text (accessible from Query -> Execute (All or Selection) to Text)
  2. Copy and paste the results into the same document as the data model.

A sample document

share table

> SELECT shrfirm, shrprice FROM shr;

+ ------------ + ------------- +
| shrfirm | shrprice |
+ ------------ + ------------- +
| Abyssinian Ruby | 31.82 |
| Burmese Elephant | 0.07 |
| Bolivian Sheep | 12.75 |
| Canadian Sugar | 52.78 |
| Freedonia Copper | 27.50 |
| Indian Lead & Zinc | 37.75 |
| Nigerian Geese | 35.00 |
| Patagonian Tea | 55.25 |
| Royal Ostrich Farms | 33.75 |
| Sri Lankan Gold | 50.37 |
+ ------------ + ------------- +
10 rows